
Hellooooooooooooooooooooo everybody! 
Hope you have had a great vacation time. 
This year will be full of new things and interesting experiences.

                            Never forget to dedicate all your triumphs to God.

Resultado de imagen para our father

Resultado de imagen para welcome naruto

Fouth Term

Unit 9: Let's talk about Fractions

Resultado de imagen para fractions

Resultado de imagen para fractions

Resultado de imagen para fractions

Present perfect

Resultado de imagen para present perfect continuous

Resultado de imagen para present perfect

Resultado de imagen para futuro will estructura

Resultado de imagen para futuro will estructura

Resultado de imagen para futuro will estructura

Unit 7 and 8
Week from September 5 to 25


From August 5th to August 25th

Resultado de imagen para the wild west for kids
Resultado de imagen para the wild west for kids

From July 16 to August 5th

During this period of time, we will be working on different topics, for example, talking about the materials things are made of and what they are used for... as well as giving pieces of advice with the grammar structure of SHOULD and SHOULDN'T

Week from July 5th to 20th

During these days, we will be working on this:

Week from may 18th to 30th

Para nuestro festival de inglés los vestuarios de los participantes de la obra han sido anteriormente definidos.

Loana: Vestido de Jazmin
Juan Sebastian: Vestido de Aladdin
Sergio:  Disfraz lo más parecido posible a Jafar
Daniel: Camisa morada o café, pantalón negro y zapatos negros.
Samuel: Disfraz de Sultan
Oscar: Camisa Azul, Jeans Oscuro y Zapatos oscuros.

Las niñas cantantes vestidos contendencias algo arabes y las presentadoras con tendencias Hindú porque ellas hacen la introducción de dicha cultura y luego forman un diálogo que lleva a la historia de Aladdin.

This time we will be working on listening activities to improve our skills, also we will be working on the grammar topics which our book has but with an oral purpose.

This is the song for our singers, do not forget to practice 

May 1st to 15th

My dear sons... This information is very imporant for us because it will help you get ahead in our English festival. Do not forget to print it.

Vestuario Aladin y Jazmín

Vestuario de Sultan

Vestido de Jafar (Conseguir lo más parecido posible)

Aladdin and the magic lamp
Luisa: Here in India we have many important things, our culture may seem strange for some people and for some others it may be fascinating. Here we have rites and a diversity of things, but let’s talk about some of them… For example in India people move the head in a horizontal way to say Yes, in other countries people do that but to mean NO (Luisa hace la demostración) Salma… what else do you have to say?

Salma: hahaha many things! India is one of the largest countries in the world, it has about one thousand two hundred citizens. Another important fact, It is difficult to establish a conversation with women there, they don’t like to talk with unknown people, (Aquí se ríe antes de decir lo siguiente) so, if you get lost there, it’s better for you to have a GPS hahaha. Andrea… What do you have to say to these people?

 Andrea: A very important fact, you may ignore… Disney… Took the most beautiful places around the world to make its stories… (Pregunta) Did you know that? and guess what… Took out Taj Mahal as the castle for one of the most beautiful love stories known… Yes, It’s Aladdin!

Las tres niñas se despiden y salen a caminar… de repente se encuentran a un anciano con un atuendo entre árabe e hindú quien luce muy misterioso… y Andrea pregunta)

Andrea: Hey what are you doing here? It looks that you are very old… we were talking about Aladdin… Do you know that story?

Tomás… (Con voz misteriosa…) Of course… Do you want me to talk to you about? I can do it but you have to buy some of my products… Everything stated in Agrabha, Aladdin was a nice boy who stole things to survive… he had the best friend, a monkey named Abú… He dreamed about being rich… (Aquí vuelve a poner voz misteriosa…) and have lots of servant, enjoy all those things he lacked of and he got it with a magical hand, the Genious!… I invite you to see… (Levanta la voz… Aladdin) Aquí ponemos la cámara de humo a que se active para darle un inicio genial)

Están en el castillo…
Aladdin: Jazmín… Jazmín… Where are you? I want to see you!

Jazmín: Here, my dear… Waiting for you. My father, the sultan want me to get married with Jaffar but he is very old and I don’t like him… I would like my father to know you a Little bit, may be he can accept our relationship.

Aladdín: Maybe if he knows that I am a prince with lots of money and servants, he might say Yes.
Por otro lado…

Jaffar: Sultan… Sultan… Where are you? I need you to come here… I found something very important

Sultan: (con voz temerosa) Jaffar… Jaffar… Here I am… (Se sienta en el trono) What do you have to tell me? It’s about Jazmín?

Jaffar: Yes my lord. I found that she can get married with me (Hace como si lo estuviera hipnotizando y ser ríe jajaja)

Sultan: Yes! You are perfect for her…

Entra Aladdín y Jazmín y ven a Jaffar Hipnotizándolo, Aladdín corre y lo aparta del Sultan…

Genious: Aladdin… That man is hipnotizing the Sultan, you have to help him quickly… Abu…

Abu: con voz de mono: Aladdín, Aladdín… Watch out! Than man is dangerous, do not get near him…

Aladdín: Thank you Abu, Thanks Genious… (Con voz fuerte) My lord, Jaffar was hipnotizing you, that’s a lie…

Sultan: who are you? You look like a prince… where are you from…?

Jazmín: He is the one I want by my side…

Jaffar: Se va corriendo y dice “I will go back”

Jazmín: Run away, coward. Now I have the one I want by my side… Father, He is Aladdin, a great boy I met and I…

Genious… (Le dice al oído a Aladdin) You have her love now…

Abu: (Está celoso porque Aladdín ahora suspira por Jazmín y cree que lo va a echar a un lado, con voz de mono) Aladdín… now you have a beautiful girl by your side, it is better for you if I go away… Bye…

Genious: Abu… calm down, he won’t abandon you…

Aladdín… Sure… You are my best friend…

Sultan… Aladdín… You will marry my daughter and will be the Sultan…

Aladdín, My lord I can’t… I’m not a prince…

Jazmín: What are you saying, Aladdín?

Aladdín: I’m a por boy who has a magic genious… I’m sorry.

Jazmín… (Le dice tonto, mirándolo con dulzura) Fool… I don’t care that, I love you as you are.

Aladdín: (La abraza y le dice) I Love you too…

Sultán: Let’s celebrate.

En este momento deben prepararse para salir a cantar…

Mensaje para el público:
Oscar: It’s important to always be honest, we have to tell the truth and even more to those people we love… When you are honest with all people, everything in life is better. The biggest heritage you can leave to the coming generations is the honesty, do not forget to always tell the truth, it does not matter if it hurts, it will help you make the best Friends.

Daniel: You’re right my dear friend, being honest we live better, we are in peace because our heart and soul are clean.

Suena la canción y salen las cantantes… A whole new world….

April 1st to 30th

My dear sons, during this month we will be working on very important things, one of them is to talk about our short-term plans, our daily routine and the time... Of course we will be working on the activities we have for the English Festival.

March 1st 15th

My dear students, this time we will be working on the past tenses, simple past and past continuous, have to vs had to, large numbers this is jus to remember

Our project!

Follow the instructions to make your home-made volcano! You can work in groups or alone. Remember to record with your cell phone or a camera the process of making your volcano. Importante la supervisión de un adulto responsable.

Here you have the link of the video 


Hello my students... I'm glad to share with you this new year.

this time, let's go back in the time... Let's go to Pompei, that old roman city in which there were very interesting things for us... Let's learn.

Let's talk about our perfect day using the simple past tense...

----------------- 2015 -----------------

Get ready for the English Festival 

Good morning dear students and parents. I would like to colaborate at the maximum with our festival. Parents, I want you to remind your sons to practice the song and for those who do not have to sing, please, ask them to learn what I gave to them before going on Vacation.

Queridos padres de familia, les pido el gran favor que desde casa me colaboren con los niños para que estudien juiciosos su parte en el Festival, que se tomen unos minutos para que todo salga excelente, y a los cantantes, no está demás recordarles que sería bueno cantar todo el tiempo la canción para que no se olvide.

Grado 5
Cantar una canción de una banda Irlandesa llamada Cranberries, La canción se llama” Zombie” by the Cranbierries (16 estudiantes)
Niñas : Vestido blanco 
Niños: Pantalón verde, camisa negra y zapatos negros

Las imágenes a continuación son una muestra modelo de los vestuarios, recordemos que para los niños los zapatos son negros.

El vestido de las niñas no debe ser necesariamente igual, pero si sería grandioso que llevaran un accesorio verde debido que el color representativo de nuestro país para el festival es verde. 

Les agradezco infinitamente su colaboración. Dios los bendiga y feliz semana de descanso para mis niños.

Presentación del acto:
Samuel: Hello everybody. We are fifth grade, today, we want to sing a beautiful song for you, this is called Zombie by the Cranberries, an Irish band that has been an icon for the world, this is about the war that took place many years ago. This band is known all over the world.

Después de la canción

Message: José Javier: War is something terrible, this has killed millions and millions people all over the world, it has no sense, we all should live in peace so that in that way everything is better and we take advantage of the good things in life together.

Gabriela: Living in war does not let you live the most beautiful things in life, the willingness for peace is the solution for all the conflicts we face in the life. My piece of advice for you is that you need to solve every problem using peaceful solutions, you will see how everything becomes better.
Samuel: It is sad that children have to live the war, it is very sad to see many people dying, to see that terrorist do not respect our lives, we are the future, we need to live in a better world, we are the future.
Juan José: We have to live free, we are children, we are the future generations of the world. We are the future! We have to stay apart from that conflict, we have to live our childhood happy.

Todos gritan

We are the future!

Hi my naughty angels, hope you're doing well... I would like you to think about your future plans...
I would also like you to keep on creating new things..


Hello, hello my dear students, hope you're doing well today. This time we gave a warm welcome to the Week of health, we need to stay healthy all the time.
 This week we will be working on...

July Comparative AS...AS


Hello my talkative students, Hope you have had an excellent weeked. This week we will be working on... 

As well as strategies for learning new vocabulary


Hello my students... This week we will be working on a review of the previous topics.

Hello my dear students, I'm back again, this time we will be working on...

Adjectives to describe People

I'm here again my dear students, this week we will be working on...


Countries and their products. 
You may watch this video if you want to remember some of our previous classes.

How to make a recipe

Hello again my dear students, hope you have taken advantage of your time off. This time we are going to be working on...

Week From April 7th to 10th

Hello my dear students, hope you're really fine. Take a look at the following activities because they're related to the topics we have been working on.

Week from March 9th to 13th
Making art. The students expressed their ideas using a form of art.

Going shopping

Products and advertisements...

Week from March 2nd to 6th
Hello again my dear students, the following items are for you to study.

Arts and Jobs around the world

Hi buddies! Hope you´re fine! 
This is a reminder for the topics we have been waiting so far... Pay attention.

In the following video you will find a video to learn new free time ativities and enrich your hobbies.